Najib Razak Risks Backlash In Malaysia Following Deals With PRC
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak is facing grumblings back home that he is “selling off” his country after returning from China with about US$34 billion worth of deals, which could...
View ArticleCourt Dismisses Moneylender’s Bid To Bankrupt Debtor Charged 240% Annual...
The High Court has quashed a moneylender’s bid to bankrupt a debtor who had borrowed $350,000 on an annual interest rate of 240 per cent – a ruling that could cause ripples in the moneylending...
View ArticlePerlu Bayar 5 Euro Dan Daftar Pemeriksaan Online Jika Mahu Ke Negara EU
Jutaan pelancong seperti dari Singapura yang mengunjungi Eropah perlu melalui pemeriksaan keselamatan secara online dan membayar 5 euro (S$7.60) sebelum ketibaan mereka. Ini sekiranya rancangan EU...
View ArticlePenghapusan Bangsa Rohingya Di Myanmar
Maungdaw 15 Nov. – Operasi penghapusan bangsa etnik Rohingya terus dilancarkan pasukan keselamatan Myanmar apabila jumlah korban ketegangan baharu di negeri Rakhine dalam kejadian kelmarin yang masih...
View ArticleGoh Meng Seng: PAP Has To Take Blame For Over Reliance On Cheap Foreign Labour
Don’t blame the tightening of foreign labour policy. Hong Kong has minimum wage while Singapore doesn’t. Singapore has been on the steroid of cheap foreign labour for far too long, so much so that it...
View ArticleRahayu Buang Dilantik CEO Baru MENDAKI, Berkuatkuasa 1 Jan 2017
Yayasan MENDAKI akan mempunyai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif (CEO) yang baru, Cik Rahayu Buang, mulai 1 Januari depan. Beliau mengambil alih jawatan tersebut daripada Cik Tuminah Sapawi, 56 tahun, yang sudah...
View ArticleBernard Chen: Lee Kuan Yew Would Not Have Approved Of Malay President Through...
The PAP turns 62 today. A week ago, they spoke up for and stood by affirmative action, the very principle that its founding members fought against, every tooth and every nail. The irony passes them by...
View ArticleMalaysia Considers Boycott Of AFF Suzuki Cup Over Myanmar’s Violence On...
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 23 ― Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin confirmed he has lobbied for Malaysian football team to boycott this year’s Asean Football Federation’s (AFF) Suzuki Cup due to...
View ArticleMohamed Jufrie Mahmood: Why Does Singapore Continue To Do Business With...
Just like their persecuted brothers in Mindanao, southern Thailand and elsewhere in the world, the Rohingyas are finally making moves to protect themselves. The question now is, will Singapore continue...
View ArticleIsmail Kassim: Grading Your Leaders
Lately I have been thinking about the nature of political leadership. What is the difference, I ask myself, between good leaders and great leaders and between the former and those regarded as average,...
View ArticleElected Presidency – PAP ‘Elite’ Treating Us Like Children, Don’t Trust Our...
Some so called “smart” leaders think we should get Malays as PE since abt 50yrs, Malays is not being elected Singapore’s President. Some others think ‘Nah! We should not choose based on races, we...
View ArticlePolitical Activist, Uncle Yap, Gives Up On Selfish Opposition Politics
A well-known political activist, he had been seen by the side of leaders of various opposition parties for almost two decades, from the 1980s to mid-2000s. During the 2006 General Election, there was...
View ArticleAung San Suu Kyi Visits Ghim Moh Hawker Centre; Treated To Local Delights
Myanmar’s State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi was hosted to breakfast by Minister for Foreign Affairs Vivian Balakrishnan on Friday (Dec 2) at Ghim Moh Market and Food Centre, as the country is looking...
View ArticleThousands Gather For Protest Against Jakarta Governor
Thousands of white-clad Muslims streamed towards a central Jakarta park on Friday, gathering for a rally expected to draw more than 100,000 Indonesians demanding the arrest of the capital’s governor, a...
View ArticleIndonesia VP Blames Foreign Countries For Destroying Forests
Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla has blamed foreign countries for destroying Indonesia’s forests, and wants them to pay to help restore the damaged land. “What happens here is not only our...
View ArticleFocus On Resolving Difficulties In Rakhine Rather Than Exaggerating Them,...
Amid international accusations that the Myanmar military is leading a crackdown against the Rohingya Muslim minority in Rakhine, Myanmar State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi said she wants to make the...
View ArticleDulu Pelarian, Kini Kapten Safia Ferozi Juruterbang Wanita Kedua Di Afghanistan
Meskipun membesar sebagai seorang pelarian, kini Kapten Safia Ferozi adalah juruterbang wanita yang kedua di Afghanistan. Beliau juga bertanggungjawab memandu pesawat pengangkutan tentera udara. Pada...
View ArticleInternet Notices Something Odd About Donald Trump’s Time Cover
The Internet has noticed something odd about the placement of US President-elect Donald Trump’s head on the cover of Time magazine. Time on Wednesday (Dec 7) named Donald Trump its Person Of The Year...
View ArticleMuslims Lambast Christmas Service Raid In Bandung
The country’s largest Muslim organizations have vowed to help protect Christians across the country ahead of Christmas, in the wake of the latest intolerant act by hardliners against a Christian...
View ArticleBigotry Haunts Indonesia
The National Police have come under fire for failing to uphold the law in the face of intolerant actions by hard-line groups, which have become more assertive in the midst of rising conservatism in the...
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